I am using an apm2.6 and experiencing odd twitches to full flips .(in stabilize mode)
looking at the logs pitch/roll in seems steady but roll is up to 180degs on one fatel flip.
this all seems to have happened after flying into a bush ! stalling all motors for a few seconds
My questions are ,is rollin/pitchin radio input or output to the esc?
can anyone explain how overload on an esc works ?
I suspect that one or more esc s are at fault
Tim Painter
I had some odd random twitching the other day on a pixhawk board... in the end I concluded it was a problem with the spek satellite antennas having touched some wet ground.. I pointed the antennas up away from the ground (only just touched a bit when landed) and the issue didn't re-present the rest of that flying session. I'd never seen this behaviour before on any of my platforms, but chalked it up to (hopefully) just antenna problem/signal loss..
quick update . I checked my quad over and all looked ok
so i flew 40 mins this morning without a glitch?
so i am wondering if my esc (dys 20a simonk firm) have a thermal reset or something similar?
any ideas ,self healing after a good nights rest?
Tim Painter
Hi all
My twitching problem seems to have gone away!!
My thoughts are that at the time i was using long flexible landing legs to clear camera
and it was windy so that on connecting battery (boot up) copter was moving causing incorrect gyro calibration
the second incident i was booting copter in my hand so also moving!
can anyone confirm if gyro and/or accelerometer calibration take place at boot up or arming?
I would like to use my copter from a small inflatable boat where the chances of a stationary boot up is unlikely
any one had experience of this?
Thanks Tim Painter