Hi all,
Brand new, learning quickly, and very excited.
I've got a pixhawk board v3.3.3, mission planner 1.3.39, taranis transmitter, and the X8R receiver running PPM out of the SBUS port. The transmitter has 5 channels set up, throttle (1), roll (2), pitch (3), yaw (4), and 3-position flight mode on channel 5. Even after completing the radio calibration under initial setup, the board still blinks double yellow and telemetry says PreArm: RC not calibrated.
When ARMING_CHECK in full parameter tree is set to 0, board will breathe green but will not arm even after safety switch is pressed to solid red.
Here are the channel values after radio calibration
CH1: 982 | 2006
CH2: 982 | 2006
CH3: 982 | 2006
CH4: 982 | 2006
CH5: 982 | 2006
CH6: 1494 | 1494
CH7: 1494 | 1494
CH8: 1494 | 1494
CH9: 874 | 874
CH10-16: 874 | 874
Board settings are all still "default" to my knowledge.
What could be causing the RC not calibrated issue and could that be why it won't arm even when arming checks are turned off?
f450 frame
sunnysky 980kv motors
3s 3300mah (upgrading to 4s soon)
hobbyking 30A esc
taranis tx
8XR rx
250mw fatshark fpv system
I can do screenshots/pull up any information you might need to diagnose this issue
Any help is appreciated,
Hi Craig, thanks for the quick response
The SD card showed before formatting:
SDHC -> APM -> LOGS and TERRAIN ... the logs folder was empty and the terrain file had some stuff in it...
After formatting, the SD card is blank.
How do i enable logging before arming? Will the logs appear in the LOGS file as seen before formatting? And does the board need to arm before calibrating the esc's?
EDIT: in the full parameters list under LOG_BITMASK the value is currently 176126... if i assign a value of 131070 the description is "All + DisarmedLogging" should i assign the 131070 value? The 176126 value doesn't match any of the options in the description
Odd indeed but you are not running cPPM through the S.Bus port. You are running S.Bus through the S.Bus port. cPPM would be coming off the Pins
I'd do the following
Format the SD Card.
Re-Run ALL calibrations again.
Enable ALL logging [for now] including logging before arm
Enable ALL pre-arm checks.
Run the all in one ESC auto calibration [not through mission planner]
Boot it up. Let it sit for a GOOD 5 minutes outside and press the safety switch and then try to arm it.
The post the logs here.