Return of the uncontrolled rotation on liftoff

Having successfully reflashed the escs ( much smoother by the way) the original problem which put me on this path remains. Basically, As i lift off, the quad spins and as soon as it makes one or two hops, it seems to jar its brain and then flies in a directed and far more oriented manner that resembles controllable. What could this be?

Setup: Stock everything with 4-12 x 3.8


Also I seem to get caught in a loop with the newer planner when trying to graph, as the connection demands the mavlink version 1 despite it being the 1.0 version already and cannot create a graph. Any thoughts?


tLogs are attached if thats helpful

TIA Bart

2012-06-25 01-21-45.tlog

2012-06-25 01-21-45.rlog

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  • Crazy question, but have you flown (i.e. just hover 2-3feet) with no GPS connected and compass disabled?

    If it yaws under that condition on take off only--you have a frame issue. On that scenario, it's remotely possible an ESC is having trouble polling at 490Hz (if using a non-common ESC) at startup, but that's like a 1% chance. If it continues to yaw after takeoff (hover), then it's PIDs.

    You have to run w/o GPS and compass to verify it's not PIDs or frame, then you can look at EMI interference with the compass, GPS, declination issues and such.

    My Y6 had a bent arm--about 1^ from its designed center and doesn't yaw on takeoff when compass/GPS is hooked up.

  • One thing I'm learning about is how the motor and battery cables can affect the magnetic sensor, which is on the GPS daughter board on the APM2. 

    Make sure your power wires stay as far away from the mag chip as you possibly can.


  • Developer

    I quad with a crooked motor will Yaw uncontrollably.


  • My guess is that your frame/motors/something is bent, causing a yaw tendency, and it takes a bit of time for the controller to figure it out.  But it's hard to say for sure, I'd need to see the flash log with PID enabled and set to the yaw controller.

  • 3D Robotics
    Have you set your compass declination and calibrated it with a live calibration?
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