If you only allow the GPS coords to be assigned to long, lat variables in GPS hold mode only one time when the switch is flipped, it could be used as a Return To Home command, couldn't it?
I think this is the associated code:
if (gps.fix){ // We need a GPS Fix to capture the actual position...
target_latitude = gps.latitude;
target_longitude = gps.longitude;
target_position=1; }
Could be something like (THIS IS PSEUDOCODE, DO NOT COMPILE THIS!)
if gps.fix && return_to_home ==0 {
target_latitude = gps.latitude;
target_longitude = gps.longitude;
return_to_home=1; //this section of code would only run once
The ideal situation would be to read the GPS once the throttle is activated or as soon as there is a GPS lock, but I haven't tried looking for that function in the code yet.
Please,could I ask here what is the Arduplito mega behaviour when a Loss of GPS failure happens during non manual mode?
Will it Loiter at the current coordinate without GPS data?
Or even better - why not store the coordinates at the first liftoff? This way, you wouldn't need to remember to flip the gps switch to set the RTH position.