Seeking Arduplane v3.3.0

Hello all,

My company has encountered issues with the latest firmware updates for arduplane and we are trying to obtain the last stable version that worked for us: v3.3.0.    This version is not available from within Mission Planner and I was wondering if there was anyway to regress to this version/download it manually.  I do have some pixhawks on hand that still have v3.3.0 - any chance I can "extract" from them? 

Thank you,

-Michael Fowler

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  • Make sure you Mission Planner is up to date. Then try performing the firmware upgrade via the MP again.

    I am also running a Pixhawk FC with firmware v3.3.0.

    • Thanks both of you for the response. I'll try updating and maybe that will give me some new options. I was looking in the place Devin indicated, but 3.3.0 in particular wasn't listed.  I think we have found a work-around for our underlying problem anyway, but still appreciate this help. 



  • Michael,

    I am using Mission Planner 1.3.32 and was just able to load v3.3.0 onto a Pixhawk.  Are you clicking "Pick previous firmware" on the Install Firmware page (it is located below the octa photo)?  Either of the top two choices that show up in the drop down box when you click "pick previous firmware" will allow you to load 3.3.0.  Good luck


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