"This nav offset looks like it is from the STAB_PITCH_DOWN parameter. According to the wiki this is a pitch down applied to the plane in FBWA when the throttle is below TRIM_THROTTLE. This is meant to help maintain airspeed when hands are off. …"
I am using Mission Planner 1.3.32 and was just able to load v3.3.0 onto a Pixhawk. Are you clicking "Pick previous firmware" on the Install Firmware page (it is located below the octa photo)? Either of the top two choices that show up in…"
What airframe are you using? I have gotten the auto takeoff to work using TKFF_THR_MINACC and TKOFF_THR_MINSPD but I found that I had to use lower values than what is listed in that wiki page to get it to throttle up at the end of the…"