Send me pictures of your workshop

Hey there. I'm a writer for and am working on a series called "Where the Magic Happens." I have my heart set on finding someone in this community to feature. If you have a cool workshop or studio/garage where the AUV-building magic happens, please send some pictures my way!

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  • I just found this thread while I was in full geek mode working on my quad with APM2.  Its scary at this point.. but I clean up between projects.



  • 3692451240?profile=originalThis is both my home office where I work out of when I'm not traveling for work and also my man cave where I working on many various projects. Ive build 3 UAVs to date using both arducopter and open pilot

  • Hobby planes and work planes. 

  • Hi Amanda!

    From Portland, Oregon!


  • I read the same New Yorker article! I'm working on a new series for National Geographic right now, and would love to pick your brain about DIY drones or contacts too. (I too have my heart set on getting more info and finding folks who are innovators and build their own drones. Maybe your feature can also be the future star of my series! :)

  • With Michael's permission I snapped some photos of his workspace. It's fascinating to see others workspaces!


    There are a few more images here..

  • Moderator


  • I told my wife that when we moved here that I got to build my man cave. Here it is.


  • I'm not fortunate enough to have a workshop... I do have a lounge, small kitchen and a bedroom though in my tiny apartment....

    Here's the Lounge..


  • This would make a nice "find the hidden object" game.

    Where is the...



    mating planes?


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