Hi all, does anyone know of a way to send a message from another program into MAVProxy? I basically want to arm / disarm my APM, and control a couple of RC channels using MAVProxy as a go-between, sending it a values for it to send to the various rc channels (i.e "rc 3 1200").

Any help will be much appreciated!


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  • Hi all, does anyone know the way to extract the real time gps data from APM 2.8 to phpmyadmin for real time displaying the gps data on web server?

  • I have the opposite need, but I guess its actually the same problem. I want to get data out of mavproxy. In particular, I want GPS and sensor data. Im using a raspberry pi thats connected to the pixhawk, and I want to geotag the images Im making with the raspberry camera module. Anyone have any pointers? 

  • Hello, Same need here, We want to send high level MAVproxy command from another program. There is no way to do ?
    • I look the main loop code to convert MAVProxy CLI to a simple TCP (telnet) remote server daemon. This feature is just essential for MAVProxy and DroneKit

  • That's an interesting question.

    I am running MAVProxy on the on-board PC, and I changed the code of the MAVProxy a little. It runs a FLASK server, and it receives messages from the remote user in a string format like "arm throttle" or "rc 3 1500". And then the message is redirected to the stdin of the MAVProxy.

    • Can you post instructions on how you did that. And maybe some code too?

  • did you figure this out?

  • You could write a python module that you run with "module load" or you could write a small udp program that connects with a port that you provide in the "--out" command line option. Your program will then need to generate mavlink messages that you send to mavproxy.

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