

I am at the stage where my plane is well tuned and I want to begin experimenting with Takeoff and Landing sequences. I can't find any good descriptions of how these commands should be setup for use with a plane.

Could someone please post a sample mission file with an explanation of how the commands work, including any variables I might need to consider.

Currently I'm using Arduplane v2.74b and have the most recent Mission Planner v1.2.78.


Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

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  • Do anyone have the takeoff and landing python scripts?code for pixhawk?

    kindly share it to

  • I noticed that my plane isn't slowing down to land. I have an airspeed sensor. It cuts the throttle and maintains cruise speed until touchdown which makes for a fast rather hard landing. Someone told me to try do_change_speed buy I'm not sure how best to utilize it. Not sure if it requires a dummy waypoint, or the best place to insert it. If you don't have an airspeed sensor then it will use the flare pitch parameter which should slow the plane down to approach speed.

    1. Take off => make normal wp by clicking in planner, then change type to TAKEOFF (or use "add below" button) as a first WP, the add next WP's. In takeoff type WP you have 2 parameters: one is pitch (I am using 10-15 degree) and alti - my is 75m). In advanced parameters you have also set of takeoff's parameters: acc, speed, delay, - my (for catapult) is acc=1, others = 0 (for handlaunch - acc=1.5, delay=0,2 sec)

    2. Landing - after last normal wp - plane should be in landing direction. Make normal wp with alt=approx 10m at the beginning of runway (or few meters before its start), then next one after several meters with alt=1-2m, then "add below" wp type LAND (no additional params). In adv parameters menu you have 3 params for landing: time, alt and pitch - time (my is 3 sec) = time to stop engine before reaching land point, alt (my is 3m) is alt for stop motor, pitch - (my is 8 deg) is pitch of the plane after motor is stoppled and plane is flying as a glider . Alt and time params for landing are used on "first-to-come" basis.

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