
Share your drone info thread

Hi everyone,

I'm creating this thread to share your drone/copter information. I believe, this would help immensely for newbies like me during the initial build. For example, the Chris's blog on cheap Hobby King quad configuration is really a good resource.  

I don't want to burden anyone who is willing to share their info. Hence all fields are optional. Atleast the first 5 fields are ideal. Please find the list of fields to copy/paste at the end, so you can start filling :-). 

Here goes information about my quad.

frame: Quadcopter (3DRobotics)
controller/autopilot: APM1
esc: 20A (3DRobotics)
motors: 850Kv (3DRobotics)
propellers: 10x47, APC (3DRobotics)
motor to motor distance: -- inches

battery:  4S 3300mAh (Turnigy nano-tech)
total weight: -- lbs
flying time: 15 minutes (average)

radio: Turnigy 9X 
video/osd: none
other: Sonar, Xbee, GPS/Mag, Attopilot current sensor



Turnigy 9X: Mode1 -> Mode2 change, Li-ion battery hack







motor to motor distance: -- inches

total weight: -- lbs
flying time:


Misc (hacks/mods):


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    • @twoheadsbrewing

      NICE!!! What altitude do you need to fly to get 14 miles reception? 

  • Frame: Tarot 650
    Controller/autopilot: Pixhawk
    Motors: SunnySky 3508 700kv
    ESC: RCMC 30A SimonK flashed
    Props: RangeVideo 12x5.5 CF

    5000mah 4S battery: 9:30 and put back in 3058mah
    Theoretically 15:30 for 5000mah, but I'd never drain the battery down that far. I'll shoot for 12-13 minutes.

    8000mah 4S battery: 10:06 and put back in 3456mah

    Theoretically 23.6 minutes, but again I'll opt to aim for around 18-20 minutes.

    R/C: Turnigy 9XR w/ FrSky module & D8R-XPII Rx
    Camera: GoPro 3 Silver (live video out via USB)
    Gimbal: Tarot 2D (tilt control only)

    Video Tx:  ImmersionRC 600mw w/ RHCP antenna

    Misc (hacks/mods): Added two more body plates for easier ESC placement.  Extended camera mounting tubes, added battery mount plate to the rear, moved gimbal forward. 




  • Hi Everybody:
    My newbie configuration (this is the first Quad I build) is the following:

    frame: 3DRobotics 2014 Quad Kit
    controller/autopilot: Pixhawk
    esc: 4 Hobby king Turnigy SuperBrain 20 A monitored ESCs (They run slower than the 3DRobotics ESCs, but 2 of the original arrived dead. )
    motors: Hobby King Hextronic 720 Kv (The original 3DRobotics motors never ran smoothly, when I tighten them to the frame, the internal wires get in the rotor's way.)
    propellers: 10x47 (3DRobotics )
    motor to motor distance: -- 550 mm.
    battery: 3 S 5000 mAh
    total weight: -- lbs Don't know, but it is kind of heavy.
    flying time: Don't know
    radio: ORX T-SIx transmitter with Orange Satellite receiver (It is nice that just 3 twisted wires go to the Pixhawk, I also have an Orange Receiver for pairing purposes)
    video/osd: No
    other: GPS and the GoPro Frame and Lens protectors.




  • Hi everybody,

    This is my 1st built quadcopter with APM 2.6 flight control.
    Here's the spec.

    1. Flight Controller - 3DR APM 2.6

    2. Telemetry - 3DR 933 Mhz

    3. GPS - 3DR uBlox GPS with compass kit

    4. Power - APM power module

    5. Frame - HK Alien 560

    6. Motor - Sunnysky v2216 800KV

    7. ESC - HK AfroESC 30A

    8. Radio Controller - Turnigy 9x

    9. FPV - FatShark 600mw with spiral antenna

    10. FPV camera - Gopro 3+ silver with Tarot 2d gimbal

    11. Props - 12" carbon fiber (just upgraded to direct mount props recently)

    12. Battery - HK Multistar 4s 5200 mAh 10c

    13. An Engineer (figurine) 



  • Here's mine:

    Frame:  DJI F550 Top and Bottom Plates / Aeroxcraft X55 extended arms (makes this 650 class)

    Controller / Autopilot:  Pixhawk with flight modes Loiter / RTL / Drift / Auto / Stabilize / Alt-Hold

    ESC:  DJI E600 20A Opto

    Motors:  DJI 3508 / 415kV

    Props:  DJI E600 12 x 4.2

    Motor to motor distance:  12-1/2"

    Battery:  6S-16,000 (35min - 40min) 4S2P - 5,000 (10,000 total, 21min),  4S1P - 5,000 (17min) all times mixed flight

    Total Weight: 4000gr / 8.75lbs with 16,000mAh batt.

    Radio:  Futaba T14SG

    Video/OSD:  MinimOSD on TS832 TX

    other:  Bluetooth module, strobes, 27" LED Ring, DYS 3-axis gimbal,  12V and 5 BECs, 3 video source switcher

    A quick little flight video:

  • EDF tricopter/tiltrotor concept 3701907564?profile=original3701907377?profile=original

    • My huge octo. (Active diameter is 1500mm when propellers are rotating)

      Tarot Iron Man 1000 carbon fiber frame
      Turnigy Multistar 4114-320 outrunners
      Turnigy Multistar 45A 6S Esc
      Carbon fiber 15*5.5 propellers
      5800mAh 6S Batteries

      Graupner MZ-24 transmitter
      Graupner GR-24 receiver
      3DR Pixhawk controller
      3DR uBlox GPS
      3DR Radio

      3702540257?profile=original3702540160?profile=original3702540135?profile=original3702540185?profile=originalHow I hang it in the ceiling at home.

      • Anders,

        I have been flying the Iron Man 1000 frame for a few months with a very similar setup. When my Naza started acting up and eventually proved too unreliable to fly, I decided to go Pixhawk. My question is, how did you get the Pixhawk to work well with your parallel Lipo stack? The attopilot solution has been discussed endlessly in other threads. 

        • I've been flying parallel battery packs for quite some time now myself.  I start out by plugging in one battery, wait for the Pix to boot-up, then plug in the second battery.  I even wired a third XT-60 connector for another battery but have never run it that way.  I just make sure that both my battery packs are of the same mAh, C, and S ratings, and that both are fully charged.

          To do this, I used a power distribution board that I have soldered three XT-60 connectors (for my 4S batteries), one XT-90 connector for my 6S battery (not used in parallel at the same time with 4S for obvious reasons), and I have three power take-offs from the PDB for my 5V and 12V UBECs.  My PDB looks like an octopus, with the final pair (+ & -) wires going through a 90A AttoPilot to the Base-Plate of my F550 frame (which is also a PDB for the motors at each arm location).

          The power distribution board I used was from my DJI E600 propulsion kit...


      • Flying in my garden.


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