single TTL 3DR radio telemetry

Hi all I have just bought a single TTL 3DR radio telemetry setup.

I have plugged the air radio in to my quad via a cable into my APM2.5

 and the ground radio into my computer using flight planner.


the computer recognises the ground radio and I have followed the instructions to set it up with MP.

when I try to connect nothing happens I have set com port 4 and baud rate at 57600 as suggested on  3DR robotics website.


The green led on the ground radio is just flashing green and the led on the air radio is green with the red led flickering.

ARRRRGGGH!! whats gone wrong, why wont they connect. have I missed something out or done something wrong????


please help X

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  • Hi,

    Also be aware that the antennas for the modules from RCTimer may be totally unsuitable ones. The ones with my set of 433 MHz modules were tuned for 2.4GHz and will degrade performance a lot compared to proper antennas.

    You can check by pulling off the rubber cover thing and see the stripped piece of coax inside (possibly with a brass sleeve over the shield). If the exposed piece of inner conductor is straight and about 29mm long, it is for 2.4G.

    Of course you can reuse the plug and cable for making a proper dipole or ground-plane.



  • Connections seems to be OK.

    Try to connect to air module (connected via FTDI cable) with different Baud (maybe it's set to different baudrate).

    You can also try to force firmware upgrade to make sure electrical connection is OK:

    More info here:

  • Admin


    I think that you should have made it clear in the beginning that these were 3DR clone telemetry radios and were not purchased from 3DR. From your initial statement one would have to have assumed that they were genuine 3DR telemetry radios.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

  • I have the exact same issue on a 3DR-purchased 900mhz air radio, which i had posted here a few weeks back.  Ground: blinking green. Air: solid green, blinking red. Tried to connect to a mac and a pc via FTDI to no avail using a few different methods. Waiting for the air radios to come back into stock. Thing is they worked at one point and now wont connect. Hadn't even flown with them yet!

  • For the record: air module + "FTDI cable" = ground module

  • Hi Antony, 

    What frequency of radios do you have, 900 or 433mHz, and does the ground radio have a usb connection or do you use an FTDI to usb cable.

    When you set them up with Mission Planner, when you pressed control A to bring up the set-up screen then pressed load settings did the figures for both the ground and air radio populate themselves automatically into the table that is shown in the wiki radio set-up example?

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