What a great project this has turned out to be. It has been really satisfying just getting to this stage and I haven't even flown more than a couple of meters in testing.
I have completed most of the fine turning of the Quadcopter and have wired in a LV Maxsonar EZ4.
When running the CLI serial setup, there is an option 'o' for setting up the sonar PID and some other roll and pitch pids which are all set to 0's by default.
I have searched the forums looking for Sonar setup guides but have not found anything relevant.
Has anyone had any experience with setting these parameters or can point me in the right direction?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mine has just shipped so I plan to get it running this weekend. Really excited too!
these PIDs should have default values (not 0, if they are , initialize eeprom))
use them as starting poiunt, if it doesn't work well, tune them (like any other PID)