Stability at "low" throttle

Hi Folks


doing alot of testing and have experience instability at "low throttle" close to the ground mostly in a bit of wind.


On my MK when the the motors are armed, they spin up to a definable minimum throttle level. That means the motors will never go below a defined throttle value. However with the current arducopter - I can't seem to find an adjustable min throttle value used once motors arm.


The issue I believe is that at relatively low throttle, a sudden adjustment can cause one side to almost completely lose lift (ie motors almost stop) this results in a flip close to the ground. My quad is light and uses an MK frame and motors - So a heavier quad may not suffer this since hover throttle level near the ground will be higher


Can anyone advise me where I can set a min throttle level so motors never slow beyond a certain level when armed?

DO you think my observations regarding this issue make sense? are others seeing this too?




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  • Developer

    in motors_quad.pde you'll see:

    out_min = g.rc_3.radio_min + 90;

    change 90 to be higher (it's out of 1000)


    I'll change it to this in next rev:

    out_min = g.rc_3.radio_min + MINIMUM_THROTTLE;


    You can use APM_config to set that define.


  • I have just started to test my new copter and i have the same issue. I am running 2.0.23 and i have not yet connected the mag. i will be trying that this afternoon. I also just noticed the release of new software. i will also be trying that this afternoon. update to follow.
  • I noticed the same behaviour using the 2.0.5.code.

    At low throttle it tends to go to the left. If I give more throttle and lifts it stabilises.

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