Stablalized Camera Mount Help

Hey Guys,

I need to build a Camera mount that is stabilized in all 3 axis.  Can anyone give me some assistance with this project?  I Need to use an IMU, and I will build the actuall hardware myself no problem.  I just dont know how to program and what exactly I will need for this project.  If I could get some assistance I would  be very greatfull.  I can build just about anything and I have a full machine shop at my disposal but again I am just not a programmer yet.

Thanks for any assistance.


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  • What performance are you expecting from your camera mount and what type of craft are you hoping to use it on?

    I have visions that an aircraft mounted system will be different from a heli mounted and how well will it work when the camera is zoomed in and the aircrfat moving?

  • Moderator
    Millswood Failsafe and any one of the autopilots it supports
  • The secret to getting a really stable platform is to have 5 axis i.e. pan and tilt are replicated in an inner axis that only moves about two degrees this is the fine tuning part of the overall performance
  • Jason,
    this is what we already experimented with UAVDevBoard.
    Pete Hollands developed a great stabilization firmware.
    I did a lot of flight test with it. You can watch some in my blog about this.
    Pete self just added a blog on this subject

    With this firmware you have both camera stabilization on pitch axis while flying in stabilized mode and camera targeting in WP mode. Great is that stabilization follow plane flight position. If you are in knife edge, camera will stabilize on horizon using pan/yaw servo. If you fly at 45° roll it uses a combination of both pan and tilt.

    Making a three axis turret is a thrill. Very complex and heavy hardware. At servocity they plan to build a pan/tilt/roll hardware. Not wanting to build one (I already build myself a couple of pan/tilt turrets) I'm waiting for it.
    What I would like to have is a turret with continuous rotational servos. This way cam would always point at target without a 360° rotation when servos are at travel end. How should be solved full three axis continuos rotation, having cam always pointing at the same target from any plane position ?

    Anyway it would become impossible to manually control a plane with 3 axis camera stabilization. It sure has to be done by eyes view or autonomous. By FPV you totally loose the feeling with the plane.

    Best regards,

  • Developer
    Do you really need three or is two enough? Two is easy, three is a little trickier. The third may not have the resolution of the other two because of the internal hardware timers.

    I'm sure the third servo linkage will be difficult to build as well.
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