Static position flight @ 150 feet

Does anyone have any advice or tricks to getting a nice stable, location static flight at 150 feet up?  FPV doesn't seem to provide enough information as to whether the helicopter is drifting to any great degree as we are basically looking at the horizon.  We are currently using a tether hanging down from the copter but there is still a lot of drift to try and counter.

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  • So I had a spare (new in the wrapper) APM sitting in my work bench and I decided to give it a try running 3.0...night and day performance.  There must be something wrong with my old APM as the copter took off straight up, which it has never done, and would just sit with a steady throttle and not wasn't even in loiter or position hold.

    Guess I will save the old APM for testing and acrobatics.  Thanks for the feedback everybody.

  • Isn't this what Loiter mode is for?

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