Strange crash during Mission flight (log inside)

Hi all. I'm glad to be on this forum, maybe my information will be useful.

Today I did the mission flight, it was not my first flight, and everything was ok before.

I've added 2 points: first at 700meters from start point, type WAYPOINT, second is RTL command. On both points attitude was set at 30meters. There was 3DR on board and voltage sensor, telemetry was writing. ESCs was DJI Opto 30A, external BEC was powered the board.

And so, the problem: quad flew success to the first point, rotated and began to come back - but with lower throttle, so attitude came down, and it got into water :(

So, I'm really frustrating, because cannot understand whats happened. Due to telemetry logs, all was fine - radio was ok, no failsafes, battery was charged, satellites were visible. On the graph I can see that throttle became lower after quadcopter rotated to the second point, buy why? 

I'm not newbie in quads, I'm making make copters for 3 years, I had success experience with Gaui, Naza, Multiwii, Xaircraft, 2 Arducopters and Freeflight, so I understand how its tuned :) Its not a problem to prepare new quad, but I'm afraid to fly again without understanding, why copter can fall without any visible reason.

Anyone can help with flight log analyze (log file attached)? Maybe it will help others to avoid this problem.

Telemetry graph is also attached.


Thanks a lot for any help.




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  • I have take a look at your logfile, but nothing strange was found... Some strange was appear target alt - it was set as 30m for both waypoint, but when copter was starting it was 30,0m and when it's start to travel to WP2 - the target alt was suddenly changed to 24,xxxxx meters. It is some abnormal, isn't it?

  • Developer

    do you have a flash log?


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