Swift Nav Piksi and EMLID Reach RTK and 3DR Solo

Hey all, I have been reading up on Solo's accessory bay, and Swift Nav's Piksi.  

From what I read here, it sounds like the accessory bay JAE SJ038252 connector can interface over CAN (UAVCAN) and USB.  



From what I understand, Piksi is normally setup using the UART or the Serial Port (the recommended Pixhawk setup).  Possibly Solo's largest weakness compared to other Pixhawk setups is its lack of the additional ports found on other Pixhawks.

Since on the other end at the ground station, Piksi is normally connected over USB, is a USB steup doable on-board Solo?  Can it be setup using the CAN bus?  

Also, I don't know if RTKlib and EMLID's Reach are any easier to integrate, given that 3DR's Dronekit has Python support and Reach uses MAVLink Python (I think).

I am way out of my depth on the programming and electrical engineering involved here, and have been unable to find anyone else writing about this possible solution online.  Given how challenging creating a working setup might be, could explain why nobody has attempted this.   

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