switching from ALT mode to Stabilise problem

Hi all i have a question please. 
im using the APM 2.6 with the 3.1.3 ver . 
My problem is when switching from ALT mode to Stab the motors spin faster and i loose control of copter. Its like it uses other commands. it will either pull up fast or flip. Is their some kind of Param settings to make it dead steady when switching modes? has any one have this problem ?

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  • Wait a minute. You said it FLIPS when you switch modes????

    • it Flipped the second time. now the motors will either gain power(jumps up) or loose power (falls fast)

  • Alt_hold and Stab modes use the throttle in different ways, hence the "jump" when switching modes.

    Alt_hold uses the throttle to stay at the current altitude (40-60% throttle) and ascend/descend at 2.5m/s outside of this band. Whereas throttle in Stab mode controls the amount of power going into the motors for ascent/descent.

    The safest way would be to have your throttle set so the quadcopter hovers when switching modes, there shouldn't be a big a jump that way,

    • Is their any way to change that 40% to 60% throttle range? When switched to ALT hold it starts bouncing a little and after switching back to stab it will climb fast.

      • In mission planner goto the full list and scroll down to the throttle parameters. They all share a common prefix like THR. You will notice there is one parameter that has something like in its description, "this is the best guess of the throttle midpoint". Theres another with a description that says this is the throttle amount to hover. Copy the first to the second parameter and then hit the "write params" button.

        Sorry i cant remember the exact parameter names, but if you read the descriptions it will all make sense.

        • Hi,

          You need to hover at mid-stick to avoid any jump when switching modes. You can change the value of your throttle at mid-stick in MP, in the basic setup (the one with only 3 sliders on the screen).

          Increasing the value (500 by default) will give you more power at mid-stick.

          Don't change mode while flying aggressively, just do it it in hover and it should work.

        • Thank you mP1 , its not perfect but better.

          One more question please . The compass i bought is the Chinese LEA-6 GPS W/Compass but my problem is that it doesn't have an arrow on it to show how to be installed regarding the APM`s arrow.

          Any clues on how to find the correct orientation? 

          • Hi ...just match up the dot on the two compass chips .. make them face same way .. if one is upside down you will have to set its direction in MP .perhaps set roll 180 .. or pitch 180 depending on the way the chip is mounted to your gps board.. remember to select external compass in MP.

            • i forgot to say that im using the APM 2.6 with no on board compass chip . so i cant compare .

              • Hi,

                Just give it a try and rotate the APM and compass while watching the screen in MP. You'll find the good setting when the compass is giving the right direction and moves correctly in MP (you need to know where North is)....

                You need to rotate the APM together with the compass because the accelerometers are used to evaluate rotation also.

                I had the same problem and it worked fine for me.

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