Tank Drones

Hi. Does anyone know where i can get tank treads with wheels for 4ft by 2ft by 2ft l*W*H frame? Or even drones that have tank treads?

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  • I used a set of tracks from a track drive snowblower. They are a bit short but I adjusted the dimensions of the rover to fit. They take a beating. The replacement parts are going to be difficult to find but they have been surviving well so far.


  • look up "plastic conveyor chain " on ebay  it is cheap modular ,you break a segment or link bar  and only have to swap it out ,But you have to make internal grousers/wheel guides  , I use it on mine and have never broken a segment  it is industrial conveyor  made out of really tough plastic !!!!


  • Once I have some free time, I'm looking into a chassis like this: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12719 

    T'Rex Tank Chassis
    You better call Dr. Grant because we've got a T'Rex! If you thought our previous robot chassis were beefy and rugged then you haven't seen this. The…
  • Been looking for options on this for a current Rover project... This is a great option! The rapid proto polymer treads were running close to $1k per set so seeing this design provided several ideas and options, good find!

    • No. But i already have one option of the treads from the seabotix vLBC drone.

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