Tarot Gimbal and protecting GoPro lens

I am getting a Tarot Gimbal and want a protective lens cover to protect the gopro's lens in case of a scrape in a crash. Since the Gopro lens is not replaceable want to prevent damage to it. With other set ups I fly it in the waterproof case and know nothing will happen to the camera that is not easily fixed. Some of the 3D printed ones look flimsy. What are any members best solution to protect the Hero3 plus lens when used with the Tarot Gimbal?

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  • I know what you mean.... I am a first time flyer and I crashed mine and it scratched the lens. One of my neighbors kids (down's kid) came running over to it while I was landing, I freaked and just slammed the controller to the right to get away from him, hit the curb and flipped. The first thing I noticed was the lens was on the pavement. the Tarrt Gimbal only attaches around the bottom of the lens leaving the lens exposed and it will the the first thing to scrub the ground. I was looking for something last night to put around the lens just to keep it from being the first thing to scrub the ground, but also not obstruct the view. Any little bit will help us rookies.



    • GoPro does make a lens protector. protect your GP Lens

      -Todd H.

      • Thanks I will look to see how to keep it on. Just working on the principle of an ounce of prevention since I called go pro to see if they will fix the lens and was told no usually trashed at that point. I do not want to go that path since things do happen. Looks like what I wanted just need to secure it.

  • Do a High Quality build, stick to procedures, don't crash. Works best.
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