TBS Caipirinha setup

Hi all,

Anyone else flying a TBS Caipirinha with APM setup? I'd be interested to see how you set it up, what PIDs you are running and what layout you used.

I've got one that I'm still tuning (stabilisation is rubbish at the moment...) with

  • TBS motor/ESC
  • APM 2.5 in case with power module and uBlox GPS
  • MinimOSD
  • ImmersionRC 600mw 5.8gz Vtx

Not the best pic... but shows layout of various components

  • 3691028417?profile=original

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  • Hi..coul'd you Please post your's parameter settings?


  • Hi All,

    Just about to do the same thing with a Pixhawk and the standard TBS caipirinha motor and ESC.

    Did you have to upgrade the motor with the extra weight? Did it fly OK? I was thinking of using a 2200mah 3s. Is that going to push the motor too hard?

    • The Pixhawk will be a tight fit?

      I use the TBS power pack on 2s. If you fly well for endurance - slow climb T 60-70% power and slow cruise by managing the throttle I can get 25 mins on 3300mah. If I go hard about 15 mins.
      Can't remember the weight, and has lasted well after 12 months. I still love to fly it.
      • Thanks. Bu you didn't upgrade the motor or prop or esc?

        • No. All stock.
          • Copy that. Thannx.

  • Hi Alex,

    I am looking into getting this Flying wing - did you ever get it flying properly? If so - i'm curious how it handles the APM and various supporting components (flight times, etc)



  • Just set this up in MP under compass. 

    In 'Mandatory Hardware' click compass and you will se the 'Orientation' tab and you will work it out.

    Calibrate the compass and then check heading is right on the Flight Data tab.


  • Dumb question...your APM's are all rotated 90'. I assume that's a simple config option in MP when you set the airframe? 

  • Pic


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