Throttle Failsafe Issue

We just completed building our Y6. We are struggling with the throttle Failsafe settings. Let me explain. We are using the new Pixhawk and a Futaba T8J transmitter.1. With the transmitter ON, the FS Pwm at lowest throttle is 1104.2. We expected a lower reading when we turned off the transmitter.3. With the transmitter OFF, our reading was 1133. Odd?4. Where do we set the Throttle Failsafe threshold? If we set it at 1104 + 10 = 1114 and turn off the transmitter, we get 1133 and the Failsafe is not activated when transmitter is off the air.5. If we set the Failsafe threshold and bring the copter in for a landing, we would break the 1133 on our way to the ground and the Failsafe would engage. What are we missing? Again, help please.We need help please.

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  • We are newbies and after some study we understood the logic of the channel 3 Failsafe and how the transmitter is central making the threshold work. We used this knowledge tonight and think we have mastered this important Failsafe. We performed the test and to our amazement the mode quickly changed to RTL when the transmitter lost signal.

    • Hi John, I have a similar rig am i am also having some problems. Could you walk me through any other settings you have on the Tx? Reversed channels, mixes...etc...?

  • I have an 8fg and used following. Maybe the same for 8j?


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