Thrust Issues Arducopter V2.91b


 I got a hexacopter running on MT 4008-12 spinning 15x4 props on 4S lipos. At full throttle I should have 2:1 thrust to weight and at 70% I should have 1:1 thrust to weight. 

 Yet I can't even get it to take off at 5.6kg. Other than setting max throttle and assuming correct ESC setup of the throttle range, is there anything else to be aware off?


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  • MR60

    According to your config and : you should hover at 58% throttle:

    Motor @ Hover

    Current: 9.45 A
    Voltage: 14.24 V
    Throttle (linear): 58 %
    electric Power: 134.5 W
    mech. Power: 119.9 W
    Efficiency: 89.1 %
    est. Temperature: 36 °C
      97 °F

  • Duffy,
    what esc firmware are you using? I had big problems with my MT3605 650kV with the stock 3dr esc firmware. I tried simonk with better results and ended up with multiwii-esc firmware and custom timings.
    With wrong timings, it needed nearly 80% throttle to lift off, with the correct settings my quad hovers just about mid stick.
  • I use t-motor 3508-29's (380kv), with 6s and t-motor 1450 CF props. AUW is 3.6kg, and I have almost *too much* power.

    Have you done the calculations based on 6S? Ecalc is your friend.

    (You will need to redesign power delivery for the APM if you go this route - the power module is only rated for 4S)
  • Well, my issue is that based on the number I should have a well flying copter, I am worried I am not getting all the current through to the motors for some reason.

    Based on the motor manufacturer at 4S and 15x4 props I should have 1600 gr thrust per motor.

  • T3
    5.6 kg sounds a bit heavy. The props are pretty large too. Not sure you have enough power to lift. Can you lighten the load?
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