I'm having trouble getting the arducopter in the air with just the radio controls.

Here's a GIF of what happens:

This is the HW used: http://rtf.3drobotics.com/product_p/acrtf2.htm 

It doesn't seem like the copter responds to the other controls(roll, pitch, yaw) other than throttle.

Using the arducopter 3.0.1 with APM 2.5
I did the radio calibration in the mission planner: the roll, pitch, yaw, throttle look good within the max/min ranges.

Any suggestions how i should go about debugging this problem?

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  • We finally fixed this issue and it's in the air!

    The motors were in the correct direction, the problem was that it was in "All-at-once ESC calibration mode"  http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/initial-setup/esc-motor/

    We didn't complete the motor setup step after:

    "Make sure there are no propellers on your copter!! Turn transmitter on. Connect battery. Arm copter by holding the left stick to throttle full down and yaw full right (bottom-right corner) for four seconds. Apply throttle, and observe and note spin direction of each motor."


  • A flip is usually due to motors spinning wrong directions, incorrect prop orientations or possibly selecting the wrong type of firmware to apply (clicking on Hex rather than Quad for example.


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