I'm swapping my 3dr quadcopter's APM 2.5 to a pixhawk.I'm able to get through all the setup, and even the ESC calibration.As the last step of the ESC calibration(http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/initial-setup/esc-motor/), i'm able to use my Spektrum…
I'm having trouble getting the arducopter in the air with just the radio controls. Here's a GIF of what happens: This is the HW used: http://rtf.3drobotics.com/product_p/acrtf2.htm It doesn't seem like the copter responds to the other…
I'm in the process of setting up an arducopter setup.When I run the Mission Planer 1.2.57, I don't see a "Configuration" Menu Button which is commonly referenced in misc pages( http://www.arducopter.co.uk/whats-new.html )Did 1.2.57 move the…