Trouble with I2C on PH2.1


I'm having trouble getting a lidar device to connect to the PH2.1 via the "I2C 2" bus. I have read another post suggesting that arducopter is looking at the "GPS1" bus rather than the I2C 2 bus, and that in order to utilize I2C for sensory input you need to splice into the GPS1 bus. I have also read elsewhere that this *is* or *will be* or *cannot* be fixed in later (or existing) versions of the arducopter firmware.

I am currently running arducopter 3.4.6 with MP. I am going to go ahead and splice into the GPS1 bus with my lidar and see if anything twitches. If anyone familiar with the PH2.1 can help me wrap my head around this, or point out a simple solution that I was unlucky enough to not find whilst googling, please throw me a line!


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  • Wiring the lidar to GPS1 works, but I still wonder if it's possible to get arducopter to read from I2C 2 without too much trouble.

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