Trouble with the APM 2.5 and optical flow


I have my optical flow sensor wired up to an APM board, and I'm struggling to see why it isn't working. The APM says on the test sketch "Failed to initialize ADNS3080" and ignores it. If I get it to send and image, it's all zeros. (On the python viewer, all black). I've noticed lots of people have asked about this problem, has anyone managed to solve it?



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  • Hi

    Did you find a solution? I'm on an APM2 and I have a similar error, wired it as per the instructions but get the "Failed to initialize ADNS3080" when I try the pre compiled HEX, but if i try to compile my own sketch it looks like the sensor is constantly rebooting, i get the first line printed out over and over "ArduPilot MEga OpticalFlow library test ver 1.5", I'm using slightly older code (AC3.0.1).

    Hope someone have a solution...



    • I upgraded the board to APM 2.5 and the code to AC 3.1 - It seems to have done the trick.

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