Did you find a solution? I'm on an APM2 and I have a similar error, wired it as per the instructions but get the "Failed to initialize ADNS3080" when I try the pre compiled HEX, but if i try to compile my own sketch it looks like the sensor is…"
"Think the complexity will be too big for with a kinect for a small project like this.
We will make a Twincopter and try to modify the APM code to make it fly.
If that fails we will look in to a miniquad.
Thanks for the input."
"Thanks for the reply.
The copter you posted seems to be of the size we want, I'll look more in to that.
In regards to the ekstra vide shield, it is not for FPV or an FPV overlay, it is to do immage processing, so that the copter can fly by it selv…"
HeyMe and a friend of mine are trying to figure out how to build a small multirotor aircraft that we can use for the robocup at our uni. We want to be the first to bring a flying robot.The plan is to use the APM, we have used it in some projects,…