Hi, I decided to try a sonar unit out on my apm 2.6, and it's working great, except it reads double the range its pointed at. I've tried all the settings with no luck, I haven't got the 10ohm resistor or capacitor in there yet but I'm going to, but…
Hi,I have my optical flow sensor wired up to an APM board, and I'm struggling to see why it isn't working. The APM says on the test sketch "Failed to initialize ADNS3080" and ignores it. If I get it to send and image, it's all zeros. (On the python…
"Hi, I know this is digging things up but I have a problem with my optical flow. When using the test sketch it returns nothing but zeros. It says at the beginning "Failed to initiate ADNS3080" and if I use a normal firmware, in the terminal it says…"