Trying to fly the Aliencopter Flyman Frame

Hi guys,

I recently purchased this FPV frame :


Here is my setup :

4 x BC3536-11 750 kv motors

4 x 25A ESC 

1 x 5000 mha 4S battery

APM 2.5 with AC 3.1 rc5

As you can see in the pictures, the main issue with that frame is that it has a lot of weight on the nose (gimbal + gopro) and on the tail (battery). I've been able to balance the tilt, distributing evenly the weight from the gimbal and the battery, but when I'm flying the copter, it starts wobbling ONLY on the tilt axis until I lose control and crash the copter.

What kind of parameters can I play with in order to fix that wobbling ?

Thanks in advance for your help !

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  • Hi, I know this may not help with APM, but I will post my DJI Naza settings with my setup and include a flight video on my YouTube channel this week. Hopefully this can help, maybe there is some relationship converter between the Naza and APM you can find that will show the correct values using my ones.

  • You could flight the whole front arm assembly upside down, and have the arms point forward. Then move the rear assembly back to the battery tray. Then swap the front arms with the rear arms. Then you'll have a tradition V-quad, and possibly better handling.

  • Where's the CoG? And where is it in relation to the CoT?

    That looks really rear heavy.

    Even if it's not, both the big masses are *outside* the pitch axis of the props - ideally the weight should be *inside*?


    I think there's an old aviation saying..."when it looks right, it flies right". This...does not look right. ;-)

  • Hi,

    I have this quad. I haven't got it to work with APM yet, but works great on DJI Naza Ver. 2. I posted an intro video on my YouTube Channel ( I will have more videos of this soon. You need to decrease the gain to get rid of the wobble. In Naza you would decrease the Basic gain and increase the Attitude gain until it was perfect. I have values to my setup if it will help I will post a video? I don't know the Naza to APM gain relations though, if there are any.

  • Moderator

    I'd give autotune a shot on the APM one. Just be ready to take control if things get wonky. Then you can share what changed with Naza guy. ;-)

  • Hi guys!

    Same problem in here. My AlienCopter has only 3 flights and I cannot get rid off that elevator wobbling.

    I am using Naza M Lite...3692882529?profile=original

  • Here are the files.

    2013-11-09 13-03 2.log

    2013-09-16 17-20 2.log.gpx

  • Moderator

    As ever post some log files, it makes it easier to help.

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