Tuning help

Ok, Got it flying today.  But, need some help tuning.  I have the DIY Drones 3DR Frame, with Turnigy D3548/5 900Kv motors, Turnigy Trust 45A BESC's, 10 x4.5 Blades from DIY Drones, and 8000mAh Zippy 4s battery.  Total weight is 5.2 lbs.  I get it in the air and it flys good for a few minutes, then I have to work the elevator and Aileron back to keep it from flying straight forward and left.  If I land it and take out again it works for a little.  Not sure what else to do.  Also, I'm not to familiar with the PID tuning.  Could use some pointers on that to. Not sure what to adjust.  It wants to wobble on desent.  Thanks for all the help so far.

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  • Jereme - on a different note were you able to calibrate the throttle on the Turnigy Trust 45A ESCs?  I'm currently using those and I'm not having much luck...

  • Ok. I've completely redone my quad.  I purchased the 850 motors and 12" blades from DIY Drones and Its flying a little better.  But I'm having trouble fine tuning.  Does anyone have a good tuning method.  I have read all I can but I can't seem to figure it out.  The problem I'm having is the quad wants to wobble alot while its in the air, not on desent.  Also, after it is in the air a few minutes I have to fight it to keep it level, alsways wants to move foward.

  • Thanks, I will try that. 

  • I agree with Chris.  You definitely are in need of some bigger props with your motors.  Try the 12x3.8 SF APC props if you can get them.

    For tuning have you looked at the wiki http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/wiki/AC2_Tweaks? It's pretty informative to help out with initial tuning. There are also other guides out there.  If you are using the stock settings, you probably need to lower your stab P value with your high thrust motors. That has helped with my setup

  • Any pointers on fine tuning the PID.

  • 2.2.  Wasn't sure which one i should be using.  I thought the battery would be ok, I tired flying with my 3s 2650mah batteries and it does the same thing.

  • 3D Robotics

    You battery is WAY too big for that frame (you should be using no more than 3600 for that), and as a result your whole quad is too heavy. I also think you should be using 12" props on those big motors. 

    What code version are you using?

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