Tx emulator?

So, I've been throwing around the idea of doing all of my remote controlling through a laptop, via xbee. I'd really like to be able to cut out the conventional R/C system all together. A joystick or two attached to the laptop should provide ample control.Thing is, good R/C remotes (which I dont have, and dont really want to buy) have pretty nice features for loading profiles, mixing channels, trimming, exponential controls, etc.It should be possible to implement all of that in a fairly simple computer program...but it would certainly be nice if some or all of that already exists, particularly with a nice GUI. So if you know of anything resembling a Tx emulator out there, I'd really like to hear about it.Thanks!

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  • Moderator
    OK, this is not exactly what you are asking about, but I have the PC/Tx adapter from Endurance RC which is an interface between the RC TX and the laptop allowing you to use your joystick as input.
    Although this does not take the transmitter out of the loop, perhaps it is one step in the project.

    It can also add more channells than you TX has... as many as the RX you have.
    (ie. if you have a 9 chan Rx, the PCTx supports 9 channels, even if your Tx is only a 6 channel)
    Endurance R/C - Radio Control, Animatronics, Robotics
    Offering hardware and software solutions to connect head mount displays and pan/tilt cameras to standard radio control platforms.] Endurance systems…
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