
  • Hi :)

    today I made a good progress:
    The range finder is connected and shows values (meter, volt)and changes when I move the copter up and down. :D

    Now the rng finder has to be calibrated. I tried and changed all those parameter I think
    they have influence but no success so far. shows wrong distance sitting on the flor:
    I measured the distance from the edge of the sonar to the ground = 17 cm. But it shows 0.08.
    Then I lift the copter to about 85 - 90 cm and the value shown is 0.40 (See pics)
    Is there a divider i can set until the reading is more acurate?
    (See MP pic attached)
    I think this could be my last clue to solve: calibration of the distande to ground. :)

    What values I can play around with?
    (Unfortunately the WiKi makes no reference to the RNG finder HC-SR04 with the analog output board) :/
    • cool - today I can post the pics :) (have access again)




  • Bernardo,

    Use value 14 in the RNGFND_PIN. that worked for me.

  • Hi :)
    cool that the sonar works on APM.
    What is the A1 pin for the Pixhawk??
    I'm reading through the WiKi but there is no mention how to connect the HC-SRo4 to the Pixhawk.
    I use the sonar with the second board attached where 3 pins come out.
    The sonar shows a red led but no numbers in MP. I connect to the ADC 3.3 V plug in the middle.
    Is that ok?
  • Hi :)
    cool that the sonar works on APM.
    What is the A1 pin for the Pixhawk??
    I'm reading through the WiKi but there is no mention how to connect the HC-SRo4 to the Pixhawk.
    I use the sonar with the second board attached where 3 pins come out.
    The sonar shows a red led but no numbers in MP. I connect to the ADC 3.3 V plug in the middle.
    Is that ok?
  • What is the equivalent Pin A1 (APM) for the Pixhawk?
    I tried to set up the sonar with the extra board (3pin) but no success so far.
    Where can I educate myself or find information regarding how to make work this sonar with the Pixhawk? The Wiki has no info. :/
  • Hey did you get it working??

    The one in the video seems to have a filter that the stock one doesn't have

    • HI,

      I purchased HC-SDR04 that has 3 pins connector and It finally worked for me last night. I have updated to firmware 3.2.1 (36b405fb). 

      Then  go to the configuration/tuning tab and under Full Parameter list search for RNGFND_PIN and change the value to 1 ( This is Pin A1) . The value 0( Pin A0) did not work for me.

      Disconnect the APM and plug the sensor in PIN A1 in the APM , them reconnect the APM to the computer.

      I hope this work for you. 


  • Hi i found a video in which an HC-SR04 is used with apm 2.6 and its working fine.

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