looking for someone to look over our parts list for a project due in 3 weeks! FYI we've ordered everything on this list already...but still we'd need some help!
We tried to find arducopter hexacopter kit but could not find any (sold out or in Europe). So our last resort was to buy parts separately, due to our deadline. I'm sure we are missing some connectors and parts, etc. any help is appreciated!
Note: we've been lurking on a lot of forums and I know everyone recommends a quadcopter as a first drone build but please don't tell us to build a quadcopter!
- 1 x DJI F550 ARF Kit (w/ 6 escs 15A, 6 motors 920kV, 6 9" props(?) ) https://www.amazon.com/Dji-F550-Flame-Wheel-Arf/dp/B00GEKK44W
- 1 X pixhawk controller with 3DR power module, buzzer, vibration foam (Is this only for quadcopters? i only see 4 connector cables) https://www.amazon.com/3DR-PX4-KIT-0011-Robotics-Pixhawk-Autopilot/dp/B00JPRS5Y2
- 1x telemetry kit https://www.amazon.com/YKS-Telemetry-915Mhz-Pixhawk-Quadcopter/dp/B0196LF6PW/ref=pd_bxgy_421_img_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=4VMYHFQ00CWNEF9DWY0H
- 1 x gps https://www.amazon.com/Robotics-GPS-Module-Pixhawk-APM/dp/B00R3TQA9G/ref=pd_bxgy_21_img_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=AYJ6319N9WMQ2EY034RP
- 1x landing gear https://www.amazon.com/Foxnovo-Universal-Landing-Multirotor-Quadcopter/dp/B00S5Z3WHU/ref=pd_sim_21_3?ie=UTF8&dpID=41FDvg7UwAL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&psc=1&refRID=3NEX8WJ984W5NH9V2Q2J
- 1x lipo battery 3S 11.1V 5000mAh 30C XT60 Plug FPWP8100 http://www.rcplanet.com/flight-power-lipo-drone-3s-111v-5000mah-30c-xt60-plug-fpwp8100_p/fpwp8100.htm?codesf=4490521148&gclid=CjwKEAjw8da8BRDssvyH8uPEgnoSJABJmwYoSnw4bTsZ6Qkqrf1TxTGQveVSPJMDdq9l4w4CZSRaphoCuPTw_wcB
Please check our understanding:
- the DJI has the power distribution board built in on the frame --> no need to buy PDB + connectors
- no need for BEC with the pixhawk
- no need to install a custom mount for the pixhawk on the dji frame
- what battery charger would you recommend for us?
Thanks in advance!!!
Awesome!!! Thanks for the photo!!
By any chance, do you remember what kind of connector you used between the RCin and the receiver?
No encoder required. Here's a picture of a setup that I use to demonstrate and answer questions about how drones work.
No telemetry in this setup.
I see that the Quanum receiver has CPPM output. Just checking - that means we don't need a PWM encoder, correct?
Edit: Read the description again and verified that yes, I don't need one.
Thank you for the wonderful recommendations and assistance, David!!! I'll be ordering the Quanum kit you recommended.
I have used the Quanum i8 transmitter and companion receiver from Hobbyking with the Pixhawk. The system is reasonably priced. See the following link.
An additional search reveals you are correct. Receiver is PWM only.
The write-up says the receiver is PPM compatible.
It appears this system should work but I have no experience with this particular combo.
Actually I'd probably need a PPM encoder for that kit.
Would this be an appropriate Tx/Rx kit? So we'd just get this and not need a PPM encoder?
The controller is a radio transmitter that sends signals to a PPM or SBus receiver. If either type of receiver is used, you do not need a PPM encoder. A PPM receiver plugs into the RC IN port. An SBus receiver plugs into the SBUS port on the Pixhawk.
As I mentioned before, I know that a FrSky D4R-II PPM receiver will work with the pixhawk. This receiver is installed in the 3DR IRIS+ which uses the Pixhawk FC. I know the Taranis transmitter will work because I use it with several of my PIxhawk-based drones. Also, the transmitter that comes with the IRIS+ will work. I believe the IRIS+ transmitter is also manufactured by FrSky, model FS-TH9X, PCM1024.
If you use an SBus receiver, the transmitter must be compatible with the receiver.