
I would like to use my Ardupilot APM2.5+ as a sensor to measure the vibrations of my quad frame. As I know the IMU-data is sampled at a frequency of 50Hz, but I would like to look at higher vibrational frequencies. Does anybody know if it is possible to increase the sampling rate so that I can resolve vibrations at higher frequencies? How can I increase the sampling rate and what is the limit?

Thanks a lot!


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  • Hi Sven,

    I too felt the need to measure/profile vibration as well as magnetic flux related characteristics of motors, etc... I wanted to leverage "off-the-shelf" flight controllers without modifying the flight controller software. That being said, I currently use a multiwii flight controller and the multiwii protocol for accessing sensor data. I can get approximately 30hz sample rates using this approach. Here's a photo of my test environment that consists of a vibration plate with an a motor and a flight controller mounted to it along with some custom software.

    link to ESP photo

    I've been satisfied with performance and it's allowed me to define a set of benchmarks/tolerances for various motors prior to mounting them to a multirotor. I'm interested to hear what you find with respect to using the APM or other as sensor array. 

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