V-tail Mixing: Wild servo throws...

I'm just installing an Arducopter v2.8 with Plane 3.4 loaded in my V-tailed Talon. Radio with standard outputs and mixing in the FC.Everything does as it's supposed to, BUT the rudder and elevator throws are huge. When I check the Mixing_Gain it says 5. Not 0.5 as it's meant to. When I try to set it to 0.5, I get an out of range error message, but the input field accepts the value. However, there is no effect on the wild throws.If I shut down the Mission PLanner and start it up again (assuming it reads the values form the FC), it now read the value "5" again...Any ideas?thanksMike

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  • Hi Mike, I just tried to replicate your problem on a new PixHawk and Plane 3.4 and couldn't get it to set the Mixing_Gain outside of the normal range. I always go to the Full Parameter List to change params. I don't have the patients to find them in the Standard or Advanced Parameter screens. In the Full Param List they are in alphabetical order, so not logically grouped, but I can find them.

    Don't restart MP when checking changes, just hit the Refresh Parameters button on the right side of the screen. My default setting after a fresh install was 0.5 as it should be. Find your param in the full param list and type in "0.5" and then hit the "Write Params" button. Then hit the "Refresh Params" and scroll down to the Mixing_Gain param and it should be changed.

    I never use the Standard or Advanced Param screens because its to easy to accidently chang a value with the scroll wheel when a field is highlighted, even if its out of view. My fingers are traind to use the scroll wheel to move up and down and in MP it changes values, thus always use "Full Param list" to avoid unknown mistakes !

    1) Full Param List

    2) Find and change desired param

    3) Click the "Write Param" button

    4) Click "Refresh Params" to check that changes were written to EEPROM.

    Happy flying !

    • Greg,

      thank you very much for taking the time to look into this issue. I used the Parameter Tree to avoid the mentioned problems, but I did not use the "Refresh Paraters" button.

      Now I have tried using the "full parameter list" and the refresh button which makes a lot easier to verify what's happening. This way, I discovered that the system didn't understand my "0.5", but that it recognized the "0,5" format. I had just assumed American komma was correct.

      Everything works now and control surface throws are under perfect control. THANKS A MILLION!!!!


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