WayPoints Failing to Load

Hi all,


I am attempting to plan an ArduPilot mission and am having some difficulty. What I have done is first I select and write waypoints to my ArduPilot Board (328 Red Board) using the Config Utility Software program. After this I open up the LabVIEW GCS program, turn on my ArduPilot system, and obtain telemetry communication and GPS lock.


But once Google Earth in the GCS loads to my town the waypoints that I programmed in using the Config tool do not show up. Also, in the Debug Data tab the message "MSG WP error 1" shows up over and over until the message "int home" shows up and stops the debug data. And after all this the waypoints still do not load into Google Earth.


If you have any idea what I can do to fix this please let me know. Any help is appreciated.


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  • I'm not aware that LabView and the original ArduPilot (not Mega) had the ability to show waypoints in the GCS...but I could be wrong.
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