What do you think?

I am looking into building a quad copter and I have put together a list of parts. I believe everything here would work but I would like to ask some people more experienced than me about it. I will be adding a gimble and a gopro or similar camera on it as well but I have not chosen those. For the needs I have, would this flight controller be good, is there a better flight controller I could use? If you could point out any other issues or suggestions that would be great I am trying to learn as much as I can before I build. Also if you guys have an suggestions on how to make cut some price off it that would be great, I am open to upgrading it in the future so I don't need top of the line things right off the bat.

Any help is appreciated, Thanks. 




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  • Hey Donovan,

    I think I could really help you out with this. I will send you my number so you can text me and we can discuss further. I also think you could cut the price a bit by buying from another website.


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