What to expect in Waypoint mode

I've been test flying my easystar in manual mode and I can record good telemetry data for the flights. I tested WP mode on the ground in my yard with 2 points 100' apart and walked between them and the groundstation shows the WP change with a valid distance to the next WP.On flight 1 I navigated about 100 yards away from the 1st WP in manual mode then switched to WP mode. The aircraft made an abrupt turn and dive then leveled off heading to the first WP. When it reached the WP it turned toward WP #2 but started to get a bit far away, I switched to manual control and landed and connected the config utility to verify the WP's On my next two flights I did not see the WP's changing when I switched to WP modeMy first flights to test waypoint mode brought up a few questions.1) When I switch from WP mode to manual while navigating a mission will the autopilot register a WP hit even if I fly near the next WP while in manual mode.2)When I fly through all the WP's in a mission can or will the mission be reset while in flight3)What should the aircraft do at the end of a mission if left in WP modeThanks in advance

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  • Chris and Mike,

    Thanks for all the great info

    I'm using the 2.3.3 code with the default settings, I set up the 2 position switch on my Tx for WP mode by setting the on position to 50%. I'll try another walking test in my yard to confirm the operation and try the reset function.

    I'm currently running with the throttle plugged into my Rx because the airspeed sensor over corrects and shuts down the throttle while at flight speed. What's settings in easystar.h effect this and what is a good place to start.

    Many thanks,
  • I'm guessing in question one you are asking if waypoints are considered as having been reached, if you reach them when not in WP mode. The answer to that is no, waypoints are only counted as reached when in WP mode.

    To answer two and three I can tell you what my system, running 2.3 software does. If I have 4 waypoints set, it will fly through each of the four waypoints then return to home, then fly the four waypoints again.

    I can't speak to toggling the mode off and on 5 times. I've never seen that in the code, but that doesn't mean it's not there, and I've never tried it.
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  • 3D Robotics
    1) ?
    2) Yes. Flick toggle up and down five times fast. That will reset the autopilot. If you have the config file set to restart waypoints at beginning, it will do so.
    3) Start waypoints agin
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