I did a little testing on the unhandled exception I'm getting. It happens anytime I click the Read button, but it only happens when I have no network connection. I've tried loading in a mission first, but it still happens. If I have a network…"
"The version I just downloaded is version 1.4.6 I get an unhandled exception whenever I try to do a Read with no Internet connection. With an internet connection it works just fine."
"I think the way the config tool handles trims is kind of broken, and I stumbled on it because of another issue I'm having with it. If you write a saved mission to the Ardupilot without first reading from the arduPilot it sets the trims back to zero.…"
"I'm guessing in question one you are asking if waypoints are considered as having been reached, if you reach them when not in WP mode. The answer to that is no, waypoints are only counted as reached when in WP mode.