¡¡¡ UPC UAV Proyect ¡¡¡


" I would like to know what it is and how it is used in tricopters.

Pls some picures


Hi every one thank for the answers, ive made greate advances about the proyect.

Now I am wondering what electronic sistem shoud i add to the tricopter im thinking in drive it whit arduino using bluetooth or Wi-fi, making use of android.
It is posible to use the Laptop to pilot trougth wi-fi
How can i make that if fly alone ovoiding obstacles?????

Im uploading some photos and art states, incluiding:

*3d model first state

*second model with some upgrades and textures

*Distribution of engines and direction

I wish that you  show me some propellers that give me better performance on the proyect.
Some Info about the arduino sistem that i sould use



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  • I have this battery:
     2600mah 3S1P 11.1V 25C Lipo battery pack
    And in this post some one recomended me to change it for a 4s 4500-5000 maH
    Nice idea??
    This would be the new battery

    Sorry for all that questions i got a bit confused but thanks again for the answers

  • How about a design like this.3692503214?profile=original

    it would be:

    1.  Simple to make

    2. Light (two sheets of carbon fiber)

    3. Not much higher than the motor and blade together.

    4. Protect the blades.

    5. Leaves you with plenty of space on top for other projects (all purpose platform)




  • An EDF will not be efficient in a static hover or moving horizontally as they are designed to operate with some ram air induction, ie: static thrust is nowhere near their in flight dynamic thrust. Just watch a hand launched EDF jet pick up speed and get on step. We find the same with the pylon racers, the blade is moving so fast with high pitch that it cavitates and will not perform, until forward motion assists with air entering the propellor disc.

    So yes, your copter will work, but it will not be as efficient as larger props spinning slower.

  • Developer

    EDF's are not in generally good for multicopters (tri, quad, hexa and so on). Why? Put it simple way: their efficiency is based on small propellers that accelerates air on "windtunnel" as much as they can. Eg creating a lot of thrust. 

    Multicopter ideology is based on really fast and accurate control of airflow. Due the design EDF systems they are not suitable to fly multicopters. Yes you can make a multicopter to fly with them but flying will always be a bit "springy". This is purely because of amount of they move air. You just cannot make EDF to speed up/slow down fast enough to make them accurate on multicopter use.

    If you build complex vains/valve system to control direction of thrust and speed of it, yes you can do it accurately but cost will be a lot higher/heavier than with normal lowish RPM brushless motors and big propellers.

  • EDF may be used to lower efficiency. :-)
  • The only EDF I am familiar with is 'E'lectric 'D'ucted 'F'an

    Can you enlighten us on the other use of the EDF acronym?

    Where did you see it and how was it used?

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