Which Transmitter to get? DX7 - Airtoenics - Futaba 7C?

Hi all,I am looking into getting TX, RX, and servos for my (starting) UAV project. I already read bunch of posts and I think I'll go with 7 channel setup (vs 6 ch).I also read a post about possible video interference with DX7 TX (but I guess it could be any transmitter in the situation described).I found fairly good deal on Airtronics RDS8000 2.4GHz FHSS Tx/Rx with bonus Rxbut how reliable is Airtronics - from what i gathered it's at the bottom of the barrel as TX goes but what does that mean - is it still "good enough" (reliable)?What about DX7 - Pricing is significantly different between between Airtronics and Spektrum DX7 - is it worth getting it? Or Futaba 7c ($$$)/ Or should FM TX suffice (lower cost)?I bought Hobbico SuperStar EP ARF w/Ailerons as a platform....Thanks !

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  • I have the RD8000 (the non 2.4Ghz version of the same) and I think it is OK, programming options are pretty nice.
    BUT there is NO proportional AUX channel at all, there is a 3 position one, and the rest are only on/off.
    I would suggest going for Futaba if your wallet can survive it, I have the RD8000 because I got it cheap and I refuse to put my whole budget on a TX.
    The RD8000 will work with ArduPilot since you can set the throws of the switch positions to regulate the FMA co-pilot but this is less than handy as you can immagine.
  • Thanks Nick!
    According to RDS8000's manual failsafe can be set on CH1 through CH4 - I thought that would be sufficient (is it???)

    Futaba 9C is a bit out out my budget :( (it is a nice TX though)
  • I would go with a 7c for the following reasons.
    1. I believe the 2.4ghz FASST system is superior to the DX7 system since it is constantly frequency hopping while i believe the DX7 just scans and picks two frequency available at the time and uses them for the duration of the flight (or so i have been told)

    2. The 7c is supported by all current head trackers (MagTrack, TrackR2) if you want to use it for fpv in future.

    Regardless of what you choose, make sure it has a failsafe on all channels, not just the throttle.
    You will need this to activate the ardupilot in the case of signal loss.

    If you can afford it for with a FM/PCM Futaba 9C, they have two more channels, i believe has failsafe on all channels and has a module so you can upgrade to 2.4ghz later if you want. I still use PCM (I use a 2.4ghz video system) and haven't had any problems.

    Hope this helps.
  • Thanks Sean.

    Since I wasn't getting much replies here I posted same questions at rcgroups - hopefully it can benefit other people in same predicament as mine..

  • What is it you're looking for. If dirt cheap is the key and you don't have to worry about RF interference then go with an FM TX.

    I have a DX7 and love it. Got it 2 years ago and wouldn't look back. Futaba may be a bit better though as they use a different technology than the DX7. can't get into too much detail right now...would have to re-educate myself. Airtronics is lower priced if I remember correctly and you get an extra channel. I think they use frequency hopping...

    I believe that any 2.4 gig radio would be worth the investment. Why worry about some kid at a park crashing your aircraft because he's on the the same channel.
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