Wi-Fi based Drone: Help Needed !!!

Hello, i wish to plan a drone wi-fi controlled through paparazzi Tiny V2 (http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Tiny_v2). I am referring to BUHOR (details in attached file) model found on spadtothebone. I am Google-ing for a month in respect to it.I have prepared a report on it which consists of the materials used, airframe, motors, servos etc..I need some help from all u experienced guys regarding it.Whether i have choose the correct motor for the airframe ??If not please suggest me the correct one.If i can use Paparazzi for it ?


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  • Hi, I am doing the same thing as you. I bought a wifi card that has serial interface so that I can connect it to an ARM7, I am finding a problem with the GYRO and ACCELEROMETER calculations to integrate them to get an angle. Have you managed to solve that problem?
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