Hi Guys!
i Have a problem with my external compass. It is pointing North quite well but when i'm starting to rotate my quad for example to the East, Mission Planner shows West.
What should i do with these? Can anyone help me?
I would be very grateful:)
Wait, what do you mean it is "pointing north quite well"? You know the arrow on the GPS/Compass (and on the APM) signifies pointing FORWARD, not north, right? I'm not sure how that compass you bought (not the 3DR model) indicates that, but it should have something on the board that indicates point forward.
Do all the steps here: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/ac_compasssetupupadvanced/
i've got APM 2.6 and GPS with compass like this: http://s4e3c56b671b69.img.gostorego.com/809E82/cdn/media/s4/e3/c5/6...
already tried ROTATION_NONE and still no effect :(
i've got selected ROTATION_ROLL_180 and it appears. Any other suggestions?