Xbee 900 not responding

My Xbee 900 Pro wire antenna, suddenly stopped working last night. I made no changes to anything. I have it on my plane side with the ArduPilot and EM406. I tested communications coming from my ArduPilot with the FTDI cable and it is outputing clear data on the TX. I plugged the troubled Xbee into my Adafruit adapter and attempted to connect with X-CTU, with no success. I double checked the COM port and tried every single baud rate. No luck. 

Another interesting thing, I have an Arduino Duemillinove with an Xbee shield attached with an Xbee 900 Pro Duck Antenna that I use as the receiver for my ground station. Normally the light on the shield is lit when any Xbee is plugged in, however when i plug in the problematic Xbee, there is no light. This leads me to assume that it is permanently shot, I don't see what could have caused the failure during normal use.

I'm sharing this to see if anyone has experienced similar issues, and if they found a solution. If not I'll just buy a new one. 

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  • Thanks Chris, worked perfectly. :)
  • 3D Robotics
    That just means that you didn't disconnect the Rx wire before powering on, which can temporarily brick your Xbee. This is in the manual and instructions to reset the Xbee are there, too, at the bottom.

    We're looking for a way to modify the code to prevent this, but for now always disconnect the Rx before powering on your plane.
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