After my quad became a smoking hold in the ground on Friday (, I decided it's time to research redundancy for a motor/prop loss.  I've been searching and reading. And not surprisingly, there is a lot of conflicting information.  So I figure I'll ask here and probably get a straight forward answer.

Y6 vs flat hexa.  I want to be able to bring it home and make a reasonably controlled landing.  I expect it will not be a work of art, but I'd like to bring it home in one piece.  Assumptions being that it is well balanced, not overloaded and can hover at no more than 60% throttle when all is well. 

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  • T3
    Love video, nice job on text highlights.

    Flat hex won't survive.

    Y6 should.

    Good luck and fly safe.
    • Thanks!  I figure I might as well have some fun with my loss. Can't change it, so might as well make the best of it.  I've ordered a a 3DR Y6 frame kit and replacement wires for the ones that broke.  I have the motors, props, and electronics already.  Can't wait for it all to arrive and get back in the air.

      I also have a LiPo that I'm not sure I should trust anymore after the impact.  It isn't puffed, but it is staying outside lately.

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