Greetings to all, I'm starting to learn about drones and have the following question:
I can provide commercial services using ArduPilot?
My idea is to provide remote sensing and photogrammetry services to farmers. And design my own drone according to the requirements that I need.
Of course you can, Aeromao does it...
Absolutely Franco, the ArduPilot software is a mature platform to build services on. I am not sure where you are based but the legalities for commercial use of UAVs varies.
If you want an example, the 3DR iris, running a Pixhawk and Ardupilot (APM:Copter) software has been approved for commercial use in France under the french FAA the DGAC, so the autopilot is clearly up to the job.
If you want a really informative talk on providing commercial services to farmers based on drones take a look at the link below...
All the best with your enterprise!
Thanks for your reply.