Hi ya'll,
Thanks for the feedback. It sounds like the main (only?) missing feature for 'at-the-field' is PID tuning. Can you describe for me a simple UI you'd like for the initial version? It would be pretty easy to add.
Of course, the current version supports a full parameter editor (including docs for params and dropdown menus for 'enum' types) - so you can set PID params there too...
Hi Kevin!
I worked on a sketch of what I think would be a great PID tuning screen for Andropilot.
What do you think?
I have some new features that I would like to see in Andropilot:
- The speech function say ARMED or DISARMED when the APM is armed or not. A new checkbox could be added to the settings menu to enable or disable this feature.
- The radio reciever (RX) rssi reported by APM is shown on the main screen below vehicle overview and reciever speech warning is in place to warn when the rssi signal is below a certain threshold (new setting for this of course).
- It would be a nice feature to be able to customise the vehicle overview on the main screen with what ever parameters you want to see. Having a list of parameters (a lot of checkboxes) to choose from below the settings menu. This would be really nice to have when troubleshoot the APM and/or the vehicle.
One nice feature would be able to turn on and off
A couple of button on the main screen for emergencies
Like rth and loiter in stead on have to use drop down
As in some situations this could be to late
As I use a 10 inch tab and have the room on the screen
Many thanks Stuart
My two cents for the PID UI:
I'd like to be able to edit the major PID parameters with a nudge interface (up/down arrows? slider?), show a list of pending modified PIDs (or some clear indication of which values in the PID list have been edited), and then a button to transmit those updates to the UAV. It would also be good to have some confirmation that the PID values were confirmed by the UAV, whether it's the pending modified list clearing or the PID list state updating. Sometimes with existing GCSes it's a guessing game as to when your PID changes were actually active on the vehicle.
Andropilot is looking great, Kevin. Thanks for continuing to refine it!
Does Andropilot work with DroneCell?