
I have a flying wing equipped with a APM Mini running ArduPlane 3.4.0. Trimmed and tuned via autotune following the steps in the wiki. Flies very well in Manual and FBWA but I am experiencing a problem that I cannot find the cause for.

Flew a short flight with LOG_BITMASK set to 65535 demonstrating the problem.

When I fly in FBWA and switch to Loiter the plane very aggressively pitches up for a few seconds. This is totally uncommanded by me from the ground. It then levels out and flies as expected. This is also present in RTL.

I have tried retuning and checking over the tune of the TECS system.

I have poked through the logs but have yet to find something to point me in the right direction.

As you can see in the attached screenshot: elevon channels (RCOU.Ch1&2) are deflected full up and pitch sharply turns up (ATT.Pitch). This is uncommanded, (ATT.DesPitch rather tries to compensate and level out). Maybe someone can find more clues from the attached bin log?

Does anybody have any ideas of what could be at play here? Let me know if more info is needed in any way.

2016-01-19 13-52-12.bin

Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 13.29.54.png

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    • I would be interested in reading the conversation you are referring to, if you can find it.

      I should be able to simulate transmitter trim by switching to the Loiter mode with the pitch stick forward. But something tells me that something else is at play here. The pitch up is VERY aggressive. It is like both servos go to full deflection very fast and locks in place.

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