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omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"Friends! I thank you for the help and pointers! I finally had the time and weather conditions to work on my wing. I corrected the neutral position in manual mode to ensure level flight. This was all that was needed. Just wanted to give you all some…"
Mar 27, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"Thank you Grant. I changed THR_PASS_STAB to 0 and TRIM_THROTTLE to 60. Switching over at lower speed indeed helps the problem!

The log unfortunately got truncated since I did quite a log flight for the APMs flash memory capacity.

I will retrim the…"
Feb 2, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"Here is a video demonstrating the problem. 

I hope you find the time to look at the log in more detail and this video. Greatly appreciated!"
Jan 25, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"Here is a video demonstrating the problem "
Jan 25, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"Does anybody else have any pointers? I am starting to lose my hope here :( Would be very sad to scrap this project... I see so much potential in the platform"
Jan 24, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"Great to confirm these! I have noticed a spike in NTUN.TargBrg around the switch of modes. But I am unsure of what this might mean. I cannot find any documentation regarding what the more obscure data points stand for. If it is a metric reflecting…"
Jan 21, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"If you could have a look I would be eternally thankful! I hope that the log level is sufficient. I chose the pixhawk standard I think. Let me know if I need to change the bitmask for more data and do another flight. "
Jan 21, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"I would be interested in reading the conversation you are referring to, if you can find it.

I should be able to simulate transmitter trim by switching to the Loiter mode with the pitch stick forward. But something tells me that something else is at…"
Jan 21, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"I have now double checked. The artificial horizon stays the same between the modes in level flight. So I do not think this is the problem..."
Jan 21, 2016
omgsparks replied to omgsparks's discussion Agressive pitch up when switching from FBWA, Loiter and back. Log attached in ArduPlane User Group
"Manual trim as in trim clicks on the transmitter? Or are you referring to some specific parameters? Could you clarify? I am not sure that I follow. The problem occurs when switching to from FBWA to Loiter, not sure that manual trim has anything to…"
Jan 20, 2016
omgsparks posted a discussion in ArduPlane User Group
Hello!I have a flying wing equipped with a APM Mini running ArduPlane 3.4.0. Trimmed and tuned via autotune following the steps in the wiki. Flies very well in Manual and FBWA but I am experiencing a problem that I cannot find the cause for.Flew a…
Jan 20, 2016